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    Cyber attacks and data theft are no longer science fiction, but reality in today's corporate world. Protect your data with our data security products.

Data security

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Definition Data Security

Data security refers to the protection of data from various types of threats, including, but not limited to, accidental or intentional loss, modification, theft, and unauthorized access. It is a broad field that includes both physical and digital security measures.

In the digital world, data security includes techniques such as encryption, network security, security software and hardware, and organizational measures such as access controls and security policies. A robust data security system should also include a security incident plan that outlines steps to remediate and mitigate the damage.

Data security is critical in all areas where data is stored, transmitted or processed. This ranges from individuals and small businesses to large organizations and governments. It plays a central role in protecting privacy and building trust in digital systems and services.

Application areas for data security

  • Businesses and organizations

These often employ robust data security measures to protect confidential information such as financial data, customer information or internal documents. Data breaches can cause significant financial losses, legal consequences, and damage to a company's reputation.

  • Governments and public institutions

These have a responsibility to protect personal data and sensitive information. They also need to secure their systems from cyberattacks that could cause large-scale disruptions to public services.

  • Banks and financial service providers

These institutions manage large amounts of sensitive customer data and assets. They must implement stringent security measures to prevent fraud, identity theft, and other forms of cybercrime.

  • Educational Institutions

Schools, universities and other educational institutions store a variety of data about their students and staff. This data can range from grades and transcripts to personal and financial information, all of which must be kept secure.

  • E-commerce and online services

Online retailers and service providers collect and store personal and financial data about their customers. They are required to store this data securely and protect it from unauthorized access.

In all of these areas, digital data security plays a critical role in preserving privacy, protecting assets, and maintaining trust in digital systems.

Our data security competence

Learn more about our competence in implementing data protection regulations in a legally compliant manner.

To the competence