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    Neos CMS in the cloud: Experience the flexibility, scalability and reliability of cloud technologies.

Neos CMS in the cloud

In a world where cloud technologies are revolutionizing the business landscape, Neos CMS has taken a decisive step forward. With its native support for Docker and Kubernetes, its compatibility with leading cloud platforms like Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure, and its cloud-centric architecture, Neos CMS is ready to help you on your digital transformation journey.

Neos CMS brings the benefits of cloud technology directly to you. With its native support for Docker, an open platform that allows developers to build and manage applications in containers, Neos CMS makes it easy to package and deploy your application. This ensures smooth scaling and portability across different environments, from on-premises development to production in the cloud.

Additionally, Neos CMS supports Kubernetes, an open source platform for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. With Kubernetes, you can run your Neos CMS application in a highly available and scalable environment that automatically allocates resources and monitors the health of your application.

Neos CMS integrates seamlessly with leading cloud platforms such as Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure. Whether you need compute resources, storage solutions, or database services, you can access the extensive services of these platforms to run your Neos CMS application in the cloud.

With its cloud-centric architecture, Neos CMS is ready to meet the challenges of today's cloud computing landscape. From auto-scaling to handle peak traffic, to error recovery to ensure business continuity, to integration with DevOps tools for an agile development and operations model, Neos CMS has the tools and features you need for effective cloud computing.

Using Neos CMS in the cloud gives you the flexibility to respond quickly to change and the reliability to ensure continuous operation. With Neos CMS, you can accelerate your digital transformation and gain a true competitive advantage in the digital era.

In summary, the five main features of Neos CMS in the cloud:

  • Kubernetes support

Take advantage of the flexibility and scalability of Kubernetes to orchestrate your Neos CMS application.

  • Native Docker Support:

Package your Neos CMS application in Docker containers for smooth deployment and scaling.

  • Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure support

Take advantage of the leading cloud platforms to run your Neos CMS application in the cloud.

  • Built for the cloud

With its cloud-centric architecture, Neos CMS is ready to meet the challenges of today's cloud computing landscape.

  • Flexibility and reliability

Neos CMS in the cloud provides the flexibility to respond quickly to change and the reliability to ensure continuous operation.

Services for Neos CMS in the cloud

  • Cloud Implementation

At mprofi AG, we can help you implement Neos CMS in the cloud to take advantage of flexibility, scalability and reliability.

  • Docker and Kubernetes consulting

Our experts can advise and assist you in using Docker and Kubernetes to orchestrate your Neos CMS application.

  • Cloud migration services

If you're looking to migrate an existing Neos CMS application to the cloud, we can help make the transition smooth and efficient.

  • AWS and Azure Integration

We can help you integrate your Neos CMS application with Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure to leverage the rich services of these cloud platforms.

  • Cloud optimization and support

We provide services to optimize your cloud resources and ongoing support to ensure that your Neos CMS application runs efficiently and reliably in the cloud.